Who Should You Speak With After An Accident?
When you're injured in an accident of any kind, getting the compensation you need is vital for a full recovery. One key element of this is to understand who to speak with and who not to speak with about the accident.
To help you protect yourself and get what you deserve, here are a few dos and don'ts for communicating after an accident.
Do Speak With a Lawyer. When you're injured, it can be hard to gauge the full extent of the damage at the beginning. Consult with an attorney to receive assistance accurately assessing your case, preserving evidence, and dealing with insurance companies who pressure you to settle.
Don't Speak Online. The internet and social media have added a new pitfall for injured persons. Any posts or comments you make — on your own social media or on others' accounts — can and will be used against you. Photos of you doing seemingly innocent things may be misconstrued or taken out of context by opposing lawyers. Some people opt to completely forgo all social media activity until their case is concluded.
Do Speak With Doctors. If you're not sure if you should seek medical attention after an accident, the answer is probably yes. Getting an accurate medical evaluation of both present and future consequences of your injury is vital for building a case. Doctors are some of the strongest parts of a personal injury case, so establish relationships with relevant providers from the beginning.
Don't Speak With Friends. You probably feel like talking about your accident with friends, family, co-workers, and even some acquaintances. But decide in advance who to speak with and who to keep at an arm's length. In general, the circle of people you divulge any information to should be extremely small. The reason is that, as with social media, statements made to others could be twisted by the insurance company to erode your case.
Do Speak With a Therapist. One person you should consider talking to is a therapist or counselor. Because of the need for secrecy in your case, you may not be able to talk fully about your feelings or worries with others. Protect your mental health by seeking a safe, confidential, professional environment to work through any trauma and determine how it might affect your future quality of life.
If you have additional questions or concerns, contact a personal injury attorney near you.